Why invest in Stawiguda
In a study of attractiveness of regions 2016, held by Polish Investment and Trade Agency and SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Stawiguda Commune was honoured with a golden star, which is the highest award and means the highest mark of all analyzed economic sections in a given commune, i.e. national economy, industry, trade, tourism and professional services.
Communal council of business
In 2014, under the patronage of Stawiguda Commune, a group of entrepreneurs founded Communal Council of Business (https://www.stawiguda.pl/gminna-rada-biznesu), converging entrepreneurs from the area of the commune. Its activity is focused on three fields:
- Development, cooperation, business
- Community, culture, education
- Commune, nature, spatial planning
The entrepreneurs organize periodical meetings, during which there are lectures and courses occur. Contacts between the entrepreneurs are established. There are various charity, sport, and social events planned. The commune supports this action. The commune head Irena Derdoń participates in the meetings. It is an opportunity to know problems the entrepreneurs deal with and reach common action in order to solve them.
Cooperation with entrepreneursIn 2015 a conference „Razem w kierunku wzmocnienia współpracy samorządu terytorialnego i biznesu” (“Together to strengthen coopertion of the local government and business”), aim of which was to deliver the local entrepreneurs development potentiality, achieving various support from the local government and present opportunities of cooperation with other subjects working for the development of entrepreneurship, such as Employment Agency of Olsztyn District, Warmia and Mazury Special Economic Zone, Superintendent and others. Seeing the positive effects pf this event, last year the conference was held again. This time the main topic was innovation in business. Such actions make entrepreneurs begin to identify with the place in which they work. Of course, we care about new investors, but we also want those who have already trusted us to feel well and develop in our area.
We have been trusted
To the businesses already established in Stawiguda Commune belong Barwa System, Interparts, Alnea LLC, BD Schenker, Karo Okna Drewniane, but we already know about other companies, which locate their registered offices in Stawiguda commune, such as Lech Centrum LLC.
In appreciation of the contribution of the companies to the development of the commune, commune head announced a contest “Champion Przedsiębiorczości” (“Champion of Entrepreneurship”). The organizer’s purpose is to make the titles and statuettes given the winners a symbol of economic success within Stawiguda Commune. In the contest, there are four categories: Mature Business (at least 3 years of activity), Novelty/Innovation, New Business, Investment of the Year.
Grunt na medal 2016 (The Golden Site Award). Investment area of Tomaszkowo, located in Stawiguda Commune won the title of the best-prepared site for the investment in the Warmia and Mazury Province in 2016. Below there is an economic description of Stawiguda Commune and the offer of the winning investment area.
Ranking of sustainable development 2016
Stawiguda Commune won the 1st place in the category Rural Commune.
In evaluating such indicators were included: investment expenses per capita, percentage of investment expenses in the commune’s budget, percentage of own income in the income of the commune’s budget, number of the economic operators per 1000 inhabitants, the number of the employed per 1000 inhabitants, the number of the employed per 1000 inhabitants, the influx and outflow of population per 1000 inhabitants, the number of graduates completing secondary education per 1000 inhabitants, the percentage of councillors with higher education the percentage of population covered by water systems, the percentage of inhabitants using sanitary sewage and sewage treatment plant.
Especially positively Stawiguda Commune was ranked according to following indicators: the amount of expenditure on investments – over 1600 PLN per capita, a high percentage of own income in the income of the commune’s budget (76%), high number – as many as 140 –economic operators per 1000 inhabitants and positive net migration.
Gmina na 5!
Commune head of Stawiguda Commune Irena Derdoń during the conference organized by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics received a certificate confirming awarding Stawiguda Commune the title of Gmina na 5! (A-graded commune). Stawiguda Commune won the THIRD place in a ranking in which studied were 655 communes from whole Poland. Awarded were 59 local governments. In Warmia and Mazury Province, besides Stawiguda, awarded were also Dywity, Mrągowo, Lidzbark Warmiński and Elbląg.
Every year the ranking is prepared by Student Scientific Organisation for Acceleration, working by the Institute of Enterprise Collegium of Business Administration (KNoP) Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) The goal of indicated study is the assessment of the readiness of local government units to serve electronically investors and entrepreneurs and other stakeholders of the commune. Two fields were evaluated: the possibility of electronic contact with the office and practicality of the official website of the commune. In order to verify and evaluate communes participating in the study, a method of a “mysterious customer” was used.
Tourist potential
The area of the commune, with numerous forests, lakes and varied terrain, favours primarily active tourism. There are three large lakes here: Lake Łańskie (1070 ha), Lake Pluszne (867.5 ha) and Lake Wulpińskie (683.5 ha), which with a great number of beaches and developed infrastructure favours swimming and they are visited by enthusiasts of surfing, sailing and other water sports, along with anglers. The Łyna River flows through the eastern part of the commune, which has a character of a submontane river with a wild stream. The river creates picturesque gorges, made for kayaking. And forests which our commune is famous for, of course. We have many bike trails of various difficulty levels. Both families during one-day trips as well as people training cycling can enjoy them. The action Recreation encourages people to make use of the attractions of our region. Thanks to this action there are various activity forms organized in our commune.
Recreational and sport potential
In Stawiguda commune there are sports clubs, successful in both local and national competitions. They are:
- Communal Sports Club Stawiguda
- Sport Club Fortuna Gągławki
- Strażak Gryźliny
- Tennis Club Matuszewski Stawiguda
Residents can enjoy a wide range of sports facilities. Football and volleyball pitches are located in almost every village in Stawiguda Commune. Additionally, there is an Orlik Pitch located in Stawiguda. In Rybaki, Ruś, and Stawiguda there are sports halls perfect for sportsmen. In the area of the commune, there are two swimming pools in Pluski (Warmia Park) and in the Resort in Łańsk. Enthusiasts of tennis can play on the tennis court in Stawiguda.
Cultural potential
Stawiguda Commune with help from the Communal Centre of Culture, many active Associations, and Village Housekeepers Clubs creates a rich cultural offer for the residents and tourists. To the best-known events belong Stawigudiada – for many years integrating our residents on the annual festival,
Kurlantka – a festival of choirs and vocal ensembles has become one of the most important events of this kind In our province.
For few years in the villages of our commune, there are open-air cinemas organized.
And something that especially promotes the commune – festival of amateur theaters “Pod Brzozą” (“Under the birch”) – annual event for theater groups, which meet in Bartąg on a stage under the birch.
The calendar of cultural events Is filled to the brim, everyone will find something for them. More information on the website: http://gok.stawiguda.pl/
Communal Council of Business
- Development, cooperation, business
- Community, culture, education
- Commune, nature, spatial planning
1. Development, cooperation, business
- Innovations: combining competences in order to obtain innovations, evaluation of investments, support in the process of looking for cooperation, suggestions of innovations in businesses, using IoT, social media, innovative forms of advertising and selling.
- EU funds: plan and schedule of regional and central competitions, a possibility of cooperative application, seeking and supporting the companies, joining in cluster groups, alfa bridge, support in enlisting and processing the resources of the EU.
- Finances: access to financial means, funding plans, and investments, optimization of costs, access to the bank’s offers, tax consultancy, insurances, leasings, PPP.
- HR: access to the employees, upskilling, exchange of the employees, optimization of employment, body leasing, outsourcing, foreigners, motivational systems, common group purchasing organizations for pracuj.pl or infopraca, recruitment at the universities.
- Technologies: exchange of experiences, support in technologies, supplement of the product offer, common going to trade fairs, research in the world
- Resources: exchange of the machinery and housing resources, IT, cars, technologies.
2. Community, culture, education
- Schools: cooperation with schools, additional classes, financial support, individual educational paths for the best students, promoting of businesses, visits to companies, thematic clubs
- Events: organization of meetings, concerts, regattas, picnics, competitions, charity balls
- Help: collection of articles for the poor, organization of summer play centres, support for the disabled
- Sport: organization of sports tournaments for adults and kids, rivalry between villages and communes, angling competitions, support of the youngest talents
3. Commune, nature, spatial planning
- Contacts with the commune: cooperation with the commune and respective departments, informing about situations happening in the commune, supporting the commune in crucial decisions, assessment of ideas
- Infrastructure: roads, bike paths, street lighting, pavements, area fitting, beaches
- Forests, parks, lakes: management and use of lakes, new efforts of the inhabitants, assignment of parks for residents, preparation of leisure facilities, new attractions for cyclists.
- Investors and investments: cooperation in terms of recruiting new investors, new investments for residents and business, creating groups of international cooperation.
- Spatial planning: assessment of changes in the local plans, suggestions of new terrains, assignment of silent zones and leisure sites, assessment of plans of buildings that have a negative influence on the surroundings, support in the amendment of the spatial development conditions and directions.
- Other: all open applications associated with living in the commune and everyday life
Communal Council of Business implies that its activity will be happening through the participation of the members in three aforementioned thematic groups.
- Captains of each group are included in the Presidium of the Communal Council of Business. The group is composed of at least 5 people.
- The Presidium of the Council of Business is composed of the chairperson, secretary, treasurer and three captains of the groups.
- Captains of the groups along with officers organize meetings. The groups support and help one another.
- The presidium supervises the whole work of the Council of Business and supports the groups essentially and organizationally.
Warmia and Mazury Special Economic Zone
Properties located in Miodówko, Stawiguda i Gryźliny are included in the Warmia and Mazury Special Economic Zone.
Parcels located in the geodesic area of Stawiguda, under No. 815, 816, 817 with a total area of 1.1135 ha. The parcels are included in the local plan of spatial development of a part of Stawiguda, Stawiguda commune, approved by Resolution No. IV/22/2015 of the Council of Stawiguda Commune on 28 January 2015, (Official Journal of the Warmia and Mazury Province, position No. 963, dated 13 March 2015), in accordance with which they are marked with the symbol 1U – service, service and trade, and service and production buildings, with supporting infrastructure.
The parcels located in the geodesic area of Miodówko, under No. 101/54 and 101/55 with a total area of 1.3231 ha (the parcel No. 101/54 of 0.6620 ha, the parcel No. 101/55 of 0.6611 ha), included in the local plan of spatial development of residential buildings, located in the geodesic area of Miodówko, Stawiguda commune, approved by Resolution No. XXIX/212/2010 of the Council of Stawiguda Commune on 25 March 2010, (Official Journal of the Warmia and Mazury Province, No. 72, position No. 1151, dated 25 May 2010), in accordance with which it has the use: B-UP.01 – areas of service and production buildings.
The parcel located in the geodesic area of Gryźliny, under No. 66/6. The parcel has the total area of 2.45 ha. It is not included in the local plan of spatial development. Whereas in the amendment of the spatial development conditions and directions of Stawiguda commune it is included in the entry of areas of service buildings – directions of development.